Σύμφωνα με τηλεγράφημα του Αμερικανού πρέσβυ στις 4/12/2009, το ΠΑΣΟΚ σκεφτόταν να προχωρήσει σε νέο γύρο νομιμοποιήσεων παρανόμων
μεταναστών. Το τηλεγράφημα δημοσιοποιήθηκε στο WikiLeaks.
PASOK leaders recently reaffirmed their campaign pledge to provide
citizenship to children of immigrants, and Minister of Interior
Giannis Ragousis told Ambassador Speckhard that the government was
considering a new round of amnesties for illegal migrants. Officials
admitted that it would take time to pass new legislation, but
committed to allowing immigrant children born and raised in Greece to
apply for full citizenship. (NOTE: Greek citizenship is difficult to
obtain for individuals of non-Greek descent; citizenship criteria are
not revealed to the public. END NOTE.) Over the last decade, Greece
has had three rounds of amnesties, providing temporary residence
permits to large tranches of illegal migrants, and Ragousis said a new
amnesty might apply to up to 200,000 immigrants.
PASOK leaders recently reaffirmed their campaign pledge to provide
citizenship to children of immigrants, and Minister of Interior
Giannis Ragousis told Ambassador Speckhard that the government was
considering a new round of amnesties for illegal migrants. Officials
admitted that it would take time to pass new legislation, but
committed to allowing immigrant children born and raised in Greece to
apply for full citizenship. (NOTE: Greek citizenship is difficult to
obtain for individuals of non-Greek descent; citizenship criteria are
not revealed to the public. END NOTE.) Over the last decade, Greece
has had three rounds of amnesties, providing temporary residence
permits to large tranches of illegal migrants, and Ragousis said a new
amnesty might apply to up to 200,000 immigrants.
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